Lightning Ridge Central School

Respect Responsibility Pride

Telephone02 6829 0511

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Principal                    Mr Finter

Deputy Principal      Mrs Morriss



Primary Assistant Principal                                         

Assistant Principal ES1 & Stage 1 - Mrs Cross 

Relieving Assistant Principal ES1 & Stage 1 - Mrs Clark

Assistant Principal - Ms Fox

Assistant Principal Curriculum & Intervention - Mr Rogers

Assistant Principal Stage 2 & 3 - Mrs Cross                                                                                     


Primary Class Teacher 


ES1J  - Miss Richardson

K1P  -  Miss Bird 

S1D  - Mrs Clark 

S1Y  -  Mr Ellery 

S2H  - Mrs Cross

S2O  -  Ms Bourne

S2F  -  Ms Duncan 

S3B -   Mr Hewitt

S3C -   Ms Molyneux

S3N -  Mr Russo 

MC Primary  -  Ms Loder   

MC Middle  -  Ms Gates 


Teacher/ Librarian - Mrs Barclay

RFF Teacher - Mrs Jarvis 

Casual Teacher - Miss Cargnoni

Casual Teacher - Miss Treweeke

Casual Teacher - Miss Warman 

Vision Support Teacher - Ms Davies 


School Counsellor - Miss Pickworth



Secondary Head Teacher

Head Teacher Secondary Studies - Ms Smith

Head Teacher Mathematics/ Science - Miss Ravot

Head Teacher English/ HSIE - Mrs Rowland

Head Teacher Welfare - Mr Bailey 

Head Teacher Learning and Support K-12 - Mrs Wykes

Head Teacher Educational Pathways - Mr Wykes 


Secondary Class Teacher

English Teacher - Miss Hughes

English Teacher - Mrs Rowland

English Teacher - Ms Roberts 

HSIE Teacher - Ms Roberts

HSIE - Mrs Flaherty 

Mathematics Teacher - Miss Ravot

Mathematics Teacher - Mr Schembri

Mathematics Teacher - Mr Peach

Science Teacher - Mrs Campbell - Nagy

Science Teacher - Ms Spargo

PDHPE Teacher - Miss Moore

PDHPE Teacher - Miss Messner

PDHPE Teacher - Mr Bailey 

Visual Arts Teacher - Miss Martinez

Woodwork/ Metal Work Teacher - Mr Hardy

Hospitality/ Food Technology Teacher - Ms Smith

Business Studies Teacher - Miss Mitton

Music Teacher - Mr Schembri

Agriculture/ Primary Industries Teacher - Miss Mitton 

Careers Advisor - Mrs Caley & Mrs Wilson 

K-12 Wellbeing Teacher - Mr Flaherty

Secondary MC Teacher - Miss Poli

Casual Teacher - Mrs Flaherty

Casual Teacher - Ms Bedenikovic 

Learning and Support Teacher - Mr Reavell


Aboriginal Education Officer 

Primary - Tania Kennedy

Secondary - Roslyn Shaw 



Primary School Learning Support Officer

Alex Carter

Jacquelyn Cooke

Justine Osbourne

Melissa Hallett

Samuel Jackson - Bolton

Michelle Pymble

Tamara Thomas

Marlene McFadden

Rhonda Walford

Marija Gutesa


Secondary School Learning Support Officer

Jasna Bedenkovic

Necia Benjamin

Jessica Brown

Nicola Haverhoek

Heidi Monch

Ronald Morriss

Charlotte Van Wilpe

Carly Kennedy

Shelley O'Toole-Gosling 


Secondary Student Support Officer 

Melvyn Samuelsson


Administration and Support 

Business Manager - Kelly Morriss

Administration Manager - Melissa McCabe

Administration Officer - Jacklyn Buchanan

Administration Officer - Brooke Johnson

Administration Officer - Kay Johnson

Administration Officer - Debbie Ravot

Administration Officer - Maria Sorokoput

Administration Officer - Kerrieanne Turk

Administration Officer - Katherine Wiesnet

Administration Officer - Gemma Roper 

IT Coordinator - Dave Barclay

Groundsman - George McBride


Canteen - Michael Michael 

Uniform Shop - Bruce Ravot